Choose the delivery and planting date that work for you. We offer deliver and install options. If you would like to pick up or just have your tree delivered please contact us with your choice. (Pricing will differ).
Please clearly mark your new tree location. Most delivery & installs are typically completed within 2-3 weeks from date of purchase. We will contact you 5-7 days before scheduled delivery date.
Shade Trees (Single Trunk):
Shade trees (single trunk) are measured by caliper. The caliper of a tree is measured by the thickness (diameter) of the trunk, so a 2.0 inch caliper tree means that the trunk is 2 inches in diameter. The caliper is always measured 6 inches above the ground on the trunk of the tree. The term "single trunk" means that the tree has one trunk from the ground to the lower branches- the lower branches in shade trees are typically pruned at between 5 and 6 feet above the ground. Below are the approximate heights for shade trees based on the caliper size easiest!

Ornamental Trees (Single Trunk):
Ornamental Trees (single trunk) are measured by caliper. The caliper of a tree is measured by the thickness (diameter) of the trunk, so a 2.0 inch caliper tree means that the trunk is 2 inches in diameter. The caliper is always measured 6 inches above the ground on the trunk of the tree. The term "single trunk" means that the tree has one trunk from the ground to the lower branches- the lower branches in shade trees are typically pruned at between 5 and 6 feet above ground. Below are the approximate heights for shade trees based on the caliper size

Multi-Stem Clump Trees (Multiple Trunks):
Multi-Stem Clump Trees (Multiple Trunks) are measured by height from the ground to the top branches of the tree. A multi-stem clump tree is a single tree with multiple trunks coming out of the ground, or a close grouping of trees with multiple trunks. Typically multi-stem clump trees have branches starting out at or near ground level; however, these branches can be pruned up as desired. An 8 foot tall multi-stem clump tree means that the size of the tree will be approximately 8 feet from the top of the root ball (top of the ground) to the top branches at the time of planting.
Evergreen Trees:
Evergreen Trees are measured by height from the ground to the top branches of the tree. Typically, evergreen trees have branches starting out at or near ground level; however, these branches can be pruned up as desired. It is extremely common for the bottom branches of evergreen trees to suffer dieback, and need pruned out, after transplant- and as they grow. A 7-8 foot tall evergreen tree means that the size of the tree will range between 7 to 8 feet tall from the top of the root ball (top of the ground) to the top branches at the time of planting.